Treating Sports Injuries: Nine Amazing Home Remedies to Consider

Do you indulge in diverse physical pursuits and rigorous workout sessions on a daily basis just like a trained athlete? If yes, I am quite sure you have until now experienced several injuries such as sprain, strain, muscle pull, concussion, backache, fracture, etc. While seeking professional assistance might seem viable, home remedies, at times, can also provide permanent relief. To know more, please check out below-mentioned pointers right away.

  1. Deeper wounds or blisters heal after a prolonged period. You can speed up things a tad bit by first washing affected area, applying petroleum jelly, and then wrapping with adhesive bandage. This would reduce pain, swelling, and chance of complicated infections.


  1. According to a well-known sports medicine physician, apart from alleviating discomfort to a great extent, castor oil can also make visually unappealing scars less noticeable. After dabbing it, put a heating blanket on top for at least 30 minutes so that skin absorbs oil easily.


  1. Pomegranate and pineapple are specifically noted for their anti-inflammatory and anti-irritant properties, which effectually contribute to recovery procedure. If you feel you have practiced a lot, boost up on antioxidants by making smoothie or juice with the said fruits.



  1. Low fat milk, cinnamon, and flax seeds are three major ingredients through which you can cure joint pain probably because they escalate blood circulation. Having these at morning can also improve your digestion.


  1. Owing to relaxing an aching body, Epsom salt has acquired widespread recognition, and is often opted for by several modern-day enthusiasts. An approximately 45-minute Epsom salt bath would repair nearly all damaged tissues.


  1. Rubbing ice cubes directly on a fresh injury would decrease inflammation, and prevent skin from getting discoloured. Remember to take breaks after every ten minutes or so because prolonged exposure to ice can cause frostbites.


  1. High temperature, mineral deficiency, electrolyte imbalance, overworking, and dehydration are few reasons, which could be held responsible for spasms. Latest researches have suggested that drinking substantial amounts of water can help.


  1. It is since time immemorial that people are using turmeric when they get hurt. You can either make a paste out of this spice and dab directly on concerned body part or consume by mixing it with hot milk.


  1. Ginger works in a similar way as turmeric. You can incorporate it in your diet by adding fresh pieces of ginger to every meal or prepare ginger tea. In case of latter, enhance taste with lemon juice or honey.


All tips and tricks stated above can cure injuries quite quickly without inflicting any sort of side-effect. Now isn’t that simply amazing? If you feel the entire situation taking a worse turn, contact a competent sports medicine physician, who has been fabricating customised treatment programs since many years, immediately. Not doing so pave way for life-threatening consequences, or in other words, adversely impact your overall health.